Dr. Arvind Ephraim, a dedicated servant of God, currently serves as a prayer pastor and elder at Refuge Church in Texas, USA. He holds two master's degrees and a doctorate from USA. Dr. Ephraim is not only a passionate preacher but also a prolific author, having written over 100 books and numerous blogs. His ministry extends beyond borders, as he travels to various nations to spread the Word of God. In the course of his impactful ministry extends beyond borders, as he travels to various nations to spread the Word of God. In the course of his impactful ministry, Dr. Ephraim ministry is playing a pivotal role in planting several churches and leading numerous individuals to the Lord. He is also the founder of Healing Power Bible College which is impacting many leaders around the world. Books Written By Dr. Arvind Ephraim 1. “W- Warfare” 2. “Lord Teach Us To Pray” 3. “The Door Was Not Shut” 4. “A Guide To Access God’s Authority: Access Your Authority”. 5. “The Ministry of Prayer Volume 1: The Christian’s Handbook on How to start a Prayer Ministry in your Church or Family.” 6.“The Ministry of Prayer Volume - II: The Christian Handbook on How to start a prayer ministry in your home or family. 7. “Chain Prayer - Pray Without Ceasing: Powerful prayers for Church construction projects, Pastor, Church and Nation” 8.“The Ministry of Faith: The Christian’s Handbook About “How to walk and operate in Faith” 9. “Let's Praise Him!: Psalms 34:1 "I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.” 10. “The Church Government: Essentials to a Healthy Church”11. “The Holy Tabernacle: A Study of God’s Dwelling Place” 12. “Praising God is a pathway to God’s presence (Praise Medication): “Receive Your Physical and Emotional Healing by Unlocking the Power in Praise” 13.“21 Days Prophetic Declarations for Healing” 14. “Declare Your Financial Blessing” 15. “Prayers During Pandemic” 16. “Unleashing Miracles” 17. “Man, Sin, and Redemption”18. “God and His Attributes”19. “Break Free” 20. “The Profound Significance of the Blood of Jesus”. 21. A Comprehensive Guide To Prayer For Every Occasion.22. Systematic Theology23. A Guide To Discover Your Spiritual Gifts Part 124. Faith Unveiled: Unlocking the 18 Definitions of Faith.25. The Foundations Of Worship.26. Why Should I Fast? Comprehensive Answers to Key Questions about Fasting.27. Liberation from the Grip of Curses.28. Prayerlessness: A Devastating Spiritual Condition. 29. The Divine Courtroom of Heaven30. Genesis: The Beginning of Everything Part 1 (Chapters 1 to 10). 31. The Power Of A Father’s Blessing. 32. The Priesthood and Priestly Blessings. 33. Spiritual Significance of Laying on of Hands. 34. The Reality of Heaven.35. The Reality of Hell.36. The Joy Of Giving. 37. How Should I Pray For My Healing?38. The Crowns of Believers39. Triple Anointing40. Understanding Prophetic Intercession41. Administrative Gift in Church Ministry42. A Path to Spiritual Succession43. From the Pulpit Instant Sermons Part -1 (On Abraham's Journey of Faith)44. From the Pulpit Instant Sermons Part -245. The Call To Discipleship.46. What role does the Holy Spirit play in healing?47. Can Someone Lose Their Healing?48. What is the role of confession in the healing process?49. What are some common misconceptions about biblical healing?50. What role does anointing with oil play in healing?51. What are some things that keep you from healing?52. The Role of Worship and Praise in the Healing Process53. Who is our enemy?54. How does our enemy attack us?55. Why Does Satan Target Our Trust in God? 56. What are some common lies satan tells us?57. How Do You Know If Something Health-Related is Spiritual Warfare or Not?58. The Watchman’s Call59. Wings of Faith60. Bethlehem’s Hidden Glory61. The God Who Provides “Jehovah-Jireh”62. The Power of Persevering Prayer and Healing63. Grace Beyond Measure64. Standing Victorious in Christ’s Eternal Promise65. Unlocking God's Anointing66. The Prophetic Church Embracing Prophecy and the Role of the Prophet67. Embracing the Wilderness. 68. Walking in the Power of Resurrection69. The Unshakable Hope of His Followers. “An In-depth Study of Matthew Chapter 1”70. Matthew Chapter 2: An In-Depth Study of the King’s Arrival71. Matthew Chapter 3: An In-Depth Study of John’s Message, Baptism, and the Kingdom of Heaven72. Matthew Chapter 4: An In-Depth Study - Embracing the Kingdom, Identity, and the Transformative Power of the Word73. A Journey Through The Book of Romans: Discovering the Depth of God’s Love and Purpose from Wrath to Redemption74. Fundraising Essentials: The Ultimate Guide to Nonprofit Fundraising75. The Nehemiah’s Principle: Building Back what was stolen76. Rooted in Grace: Understanding the Book of Galatians77. From Trials to Triumph a Leader’s Journey : Rising Above Life’s Toughest Challenges78. Uniting the Church and Israel in God’s Eternal Promise: Discovering the Spiritual Bond Between Israel and the Church Through Covenant and Prophecy79. The Transformative Power of Jesus' Government: Accessing the Fullness of Christ's Rule over your life and health.80. Preaching the Right Sermon to Your Church: How to Discern and Deliver God’s Message for Every Season?81. The Mysteries of Speaking in Tongues: Exploring The Role of Speaking in Tongues82. The Legacy of Sheba, The Queen’s Quest: Discovering the Eternal Impact of Seeking Godly Wisdom83. Advancing the Great Commission: Unity to Transform Lives Globally84. Divine Direction in Business: How Biblical Principles Can Transform Your Life, Leadership, and Success in the Modern Marketplace85. A Simple Guide to Understanding and Practicing Prophetic Ministry: Answering 20 important questions about Prophecy86. HOW GOD SPEAKS TO US TODAY?: Learn the Spirit Language of God to understand His Voice87. Understanding and Dealing with Evil Possessions: Exercising believer's authority over enemy attacks88. Declaring the Blessing of Abraham Over Your Life: Embracing God’s Covenant for Unstoppable Favor and Abundance Book in Hindi:1. चंगायी की प्रक्रिया में आराधना और स्तुति की क्या भूमिका है?: परमेश्वर की चंगाई छूने के लिए आस्थापूर्ण आराधना का निमंत्रण2. आपके चंगाई को रोकने वाले कुछ कारण क्या हैं?: परमेश्वर के चंगाई को अनुभव करने के लिए बाधाओं को दूर करना3. आम धारणा और बाइबिलिक उपचार के बारे में भ्रांतियाँ: मिथकों का खंडन और सत्य को अपनाना4. तेल से अभिषेक करने से चंगाई में क्या भूमिका होती है?5. शालोम और चंगाई: परमेश्वर की शांति और संपूर्णता को जीवन के हर क्षेत्र में अपनाना6. हमारा शत्रु कौन है?: दुष्टता की शक्तियों को पहचानना7. कैसे शैतान हमारे जीवन में धोखे का उपयोग करता है?: शत्रु की रणनीतियों को उजागर करना और परमेश्वर के सत्य में स्थिर रहना8. शैतान हमारे परमेश्वर पर भरोसे को क्यों निशाना बनाता है?9. कैसे हमारे आत्मिक शत्रु हम पर हमला करता हैं?: आत्मिक युद्ध को समझें और इसे परास्त करें10. शैतान हमें कौन-से आम झूठ बोलता है?11. आप कैसे जान सकते हैं कि स्वास्थ्य से संबंधित कोई बात आध्यात्मिक युद्ध है या नहीं?12. जब मैं दूसरों के लिए प्रार्थना करता हूँ तो मुझे दुष्टात्मिक सपने और बाधाएँ क्यों मिलती हैं?13. भविष्यदर्शी मध्यस्थता का अर्थ: भविष्यदर्शी मध्यस्थता की गहराइयों में मार्गदर्शन14. आत्मिक युद्ध: मसीही मार्गदर्शिका: आत्मिक युद्ध के बारे में और इसे कैसे लड़ें और जीतें।Books in Telugu1. ఆత్మిక యుద్ధం: క్రైస్తవుల కోసం మార్గదర్శిని: ఆత్మిక యుద్ధం మరియు దానిని ఎలా లాడి గెలవాలి2. ప్రవచనాత్మక ప్రార్థన: ప్రవచనాత్మక ప్రార్థనల గురించి లోతైన అధ్యయనం3. ప్రార్థన పరిచర్య - II భాగం4. ఆయనను స్తుతిద్దాం