Prayers for the revelation of Jesus Christ.
Prayer for Deeper Revelation of Christ’s LoveFather, in Jesus’ name, we pray for the revelation of Christ’s immeasurable love. Help
Prayers for the spirit of wisdom and revelation.
Prayer for Wisdom to Know God BetterFather, in Jesus’ name, we pray for the Spirit of wisdom and revelation so
Prayers of thanksgiving.
Prayer of Thanksgiving for SalvationFather, in Jesus’ name, we thank You for the gift of salvation through Your Son. Thank
Prayers for the rapid spread of the gospel.
Prayer for Open Doors for the GospelFather, in Jesus’ name, we ask for open doors for the gospel to be
Prayers for those in prison for the sake of the gospel
Prayer for Strength and ComfortFather, in Jesus’ name, we lift up those imprisoned for the gospel. Pour out Your Spirit
Prayers to break the binding influence of the devil over the unbeliever.
Prayer for the Release from Spiritual BondageFather, in Jesus’ name, we pray that You break every chain of spiritual bondage
Prayers for unity and effective partnerships among ministers
Prayer for Unity in the Body of ChristFather, in Jesus’ name, we pray for unity among ministers in the Body
Prayers for increase and fruitfulness in the work of ministry.
Prayer for Abundant HarvestFather, in Jesus’ name, we pray for a great increase in the work of ministry. Let the
Prayers for ministers to be perfect and thoroughly furnished
Prayer for Spiritual MaturityFather, in Jesus’ name, we pray that You bring ministers to spiritual maturity, completing the work You
Prayers for the preservation of ministers from harm.
Prayer for Divine ProtectionFather, in Jesus’ name, we pray that You preserve ministers from every form of harm and danger.