Prayers for the restoration of ministers.
Prayer for Healing and RenewalFather, in Jesus’ name, we pray for the healing and renewal of ministers who are weary,
Prayers to uphold ministers and keep them from falling.
Prayer for Spiritual Strength and EnduranceFather, in Jesus’ name, we pray that You uphold ministers with Your strength and empower
Prayers to direct the steps of ministers.
Prayer for God’s Guidance in Every DecisionFather, in Jesus’ name, we pray that You direct the steps of ministers as
Prayers for the supply of the Spirit and great grace upon ministers
Prayer for the Fullness of the SpiritFather, in Jesus’ name, we pray that You pour out the fullness of the
Prayers for signs and wonders to accompany the Gospel.
Prayer for Miracles to Confirm the WordFather, in Jesus’ name, we pray that signs and wonders accompany the preaching of
Prayers for boldness and utterance for ministers.
Prayer for Boldness to Preach the GospelFather, in Jesus’ name, we pray that You fill ministers with boldness to proclaim
Prayers for the service of ministers to be accepted.
Prayer for Ministers to Serve with a Pure HeartFather, in Jesus’ name, we pray that ministers serve You with a
Prayers for those in the ignorant bondage of false religions.
Prayer for Revelation of the True GodFather, in Jesus’ name, we pray that You reveal Yourself to those trapped in
Prayers to grant repentance to the unbeliever.
Prayer for the Spirit to Convict of SinFather, in Jesus’ name, we ask that Your Holy Spirit move upon the