The Key to All Power
Mark 3:14-15 (AMPC)
“And He appointed twelve to continue to be with Him, and that He might send them out to preach [as apostles or special messengers] And to have authority and power to heal the sick and to drive out demons.”
The Divine Appointment: A Call to Fellowship and Power
Jesus’ appointment of the twelve disciples reveals the divine strategy for imparting authority and power. At its core, this appointment begins with fellowship with Him and flows into the ministries of preaching, healing, and deliverance. Every act of power in the Kingdom finds its foundation in the relationship between the disciple and the Lord. Without this relationship, authority becomes hollow, and ministry lacks true effectiveness.
1. To Continue to Be With Him
The first and foremost purpose of Jesus’ appointment was for the disciples to be with Him. This is the bedrock of all spiritual authority and ministry. The power of the Kingdom does not flow from tasks or titles but from intimacy with Christ.
The Priority of Fellowship
In John 15:14, Jesus states, “You are My friends if you keep on doing the things which I command you to do.” Here, friendship with Jesus is the foundation of obedience. Friendship is not merely a theological concept; it is a lived reality.
Jesus’ interaction with Peter in John 21:15-17 underscores this truth. Before entrusting Peter with the task of feeding His sheep, Jesus asked, “Do you love Me more than these?” The question reveals the order of priorities in the Kingdom: first love, then service.
Relationship Precedes Responsibility: Peter’s restoration to ministry began with a reaffirmation of love, not an assignment.
Love Is the Basis of Ministry: Only when our love for Christ is the foundation can our ministry reflect His heart.
The Example of Mary and Martha
Luke 10:38-42 offers another compelling lesson. Martha was busy serving, while Mary sat at Jesus’ feet. Jesus commended Mary for choosing “what is better,” emphasizing that being with Him takes precedence over doing for Him. The lesson is clear: fellowship fuels ministry.
Moses’ Example: Relationship Evidenced in Power
Moses’ relationship with God was evident in the staff he carried. The staff became a symbol of divine authority because it was rooted in his fellowship with the Lord. Without that relationship, the staff would have been an ordinary stick. Likewise, our authority and power are ineffective without an abiding relationship with Christ.
How is your relationship with Jesus shaping your ministry? Are you prioritizing fellowship over activity?
2. To Be Sent Out to Preach
After establishing fellowship, Jesus sent the disciples out to preach. Preaching is not merely sharing words; it is an overflow of the relationship cultivated in fellowship with Him. True preaching is a declaration of the reality of God’s Kingdom, born from personal encounter.
Preaching the Message of Relationship
The disciples were called to proclaim the same relationship they experienced with Jesus. Preaching is not a detached activity; it is a declaration rooted in the transformation that comes from being with Christ.
The Gospel as an Invitation
The gospel invites people into the same relationship with God that the disciples enjoyed. This is why preaching without intimacy becomes powerless—it lacks the lived reality of the message being proclaimed.
When you preach, are you proclaiming a reality you live, or are you offering empty words?
3. To Have Authority
Jesus gave the disciples authority, but this authority was not independent of Him. It was a delegated authority, rooted in their connection to Him. The same principle applies today: spiritual authority flows from submission to Christ.
The Source of Authority
Authority in the Kingdom is not achieved; it is received. It is a byproduct of alignment with God’s will and purposes. The more we submit to Him, the more His authority flows through us.
Authority Over Demonic Forces
Authority extends to driving out demons, as seen in Ephesians 6:12: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” This authority is exercised through resistance and faith, as James 4:7 declares, “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
Are you walking in God-given authority, or are you relying on your own strength?
4. To Have Power to Heal the Sick
Healing was a significant part of the disciples’ ministry. Jesus gave them the power to heal every disease, demonstrating the compassion and redemptive purpose of God.
Sickness is Not God’s Plan
The ministry of healing reveals God’s will for restoration. Sickness is a consequence of the fall, but Jesus came to reverse the curse. Matthew 8:17 declares, “He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases.”
Healing Includes All Types of Sickness
The Bible recognizes various diseases, both physical and spiritual, yet the name of Jesus is greater than every sickness (Philippians 2:9-11). Whether it is emotional wounds, mental struggles, or physical ailments, His power is sufficient.
Are you actively seeking God’s healing power in your life and for others?
5. To Drive Out Demons
Deliverance ministry is central to advancing God’s Kingdom. Jesus empowered His disciples to confront and cast out demonic forces, setting captives free.
A Spiritual Battle
Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that our struggle is not against people but against spiritual forces. Deliverance requires discernment, authority, and faith.
The Role of Resistance
James 4:7 offers a simple yet profound strategy: “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” The power to drive out demons comes from standing firm in Christ’s authority and resisting the enemy’s schemes.
Are you walking in victory over spiritual oppression? How are you using the authority given to you to set others free?
Walking Continuously With Him
The call to “be with Him” is not a one-time event but an ongoing relationship. God desires constant fellowship with His people. This relationship sustains every aspect of ministry, empowering us to preach, heal, and deliver with authenticity and power.
Consistency in Fellowship
The effectiveness of our ministry depends on the depth of our relationship with Jesus. It is not enough to meet Him occasionally; we must walk with Him daily. This continuous connection ensures that our authority and power remain fresh and effective.
Is your relationship with Jesus continuous and growing, or has it become sporadic and stagnant?
Living in the Key to All Power
To summarize, the key to all power in the Kingdom is rooted in being with Jesus. From this foundation flows the authority to preach, heal, and deliver. However, this power is not automatic; it requires intentional cultivation of intimacy with Christ.
Practical Steps to Living in Power:
Prioritize Fellowship: Make time daily to be with Jesus, listening to His voice and growing in love.
Preach from Experience: Share the reality of your relationship with Christ, not just concepts or theories.
Walk in Authority: Submit to God’s will and exercise the authority He has given you.
Pray for Healing: Believe in God’s power to heal all sickness and actively pray for others.
Engage in Spiritual Warfare: Resist the enemy and stand firm in the authority of Christ.