Attack on the Line of the Savior

Attack on the Line of the Savior
The Bible presents a vivid narrative of Satan’s relentless attempts to thwart God’s redemptive plan through the promised Seed of the woman (Genesis 3:15). This stage highlights Satan’s strategic attacks on the lineage through which the Messiah would come. Yet, at every turn, God’s sovereignty and faithfulness prevail, demonstrating His unshakable commitment to His divine purposes.
1. Attack 1: Cain Kills Abel – An Assault on the Seed of the Woman
The story of Cain and Abel in Genesis 4:1-16 marks the first direct attack on the promised line. Abel, a righteous man whose offering pleased God, became the target of Satan’s schemes. Satan, working through jealousy and anger, incited Cain to murder his brother. This act of violence was not merely a familial tragedy but an attempt to destroy the righteous seed through whom the Savior would come.
        •        God’s Intervention: Despite Abel’s death, God provided another seed, Seth, through whom the lineage of the Savior continued. Genesis 4:25 emphasizes Seth as the appointed one, signifying the resilience of God’s redemptive plan.
        •        Lessons for Today: This attack highlights the destructive power of jealousy and the spiritual consequences of sin. It also demonstrates that God’s purposes cannot be thwarted by human actions or satanic interference.
2. Attack 2: The Infiltration of Fallen Angels – Corrupting Humanity
Genesis 6:1-4 describes a mysterious and controversial event where fallen angels infiltrated humanity, leading to widespread corruption. This unprecedented attack aimed to corrupt the human race, making it impossible for the promised Seed to be born.
        •        God’s Response: Amid the moral and genetic corruption, Noah found favor in God’s eyes (Genesis 6:8-9). Noah’s family was preserved as the last untainted lineage, ensuring the continuation of the promised line. The global Flood acted as both judgment and preservation, wiping out the corrupted world and resetting the course of humanity.
        •        Theological Significance: This event underscores the cosmic nature of the battle between good and evil. It reveals how Satan’s schemes can extend beyond the physical realm into the spiritual, yet God’s providence ensures the ultimate fulfillment of His promises.
3. Attack 3: The Tower of Babel – Undermining God’s Plan for Nations
In Genesis 11:1-9, humanity united to build the Tower of Babel, defying God’s command to spread across the earth and fill it (Genesis 9:1). This unity, orchestrated under Satan’s influence, aimed to create a godless global order that rejected divine authority.
        •        God’s Intervention: God confounded their language, scattering humanity across the earth and establishing nations. This act thwarted Satan’s plan for a centralized, godless unity and reinforced the importance of distinct nations in God’s redemptive plan.
        •        Implications for Humanity: The Tower of Babel serves as a reminder of humanity’s tendency to exalt itself against God. It also foreshadows the ultimate reversal at Pentecost (Acts 2:1-13), where the Holy Spirit unites diverse languages under the lordship of Christ.
4. Attack 4: Against the Line of Abraham – The Promise of a Savior
God’s covenant with Abraham in Genesis 12:1-3 established the framework for the Messiah’s lineage. Through Abraham, God promised to bless all nations, making him the father of the chosen people. Satan’s attacks shifted to targeting this covenant and the descendants of Abraham.
        •        Sarah’s Barrenness: Satan attempted to undermine God’s promise by exploiting Sarah’s inability to conceive (Genesis 16:1-4). Yet, God miraculously intervened, giving Abraham and Sarah a son, Isaac, in their old age (Genesis 21:1-3).
        •        Abraham’s Test: In Genesis 22, Satan likely hoped to derail the covenant when God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. However, Abraham’s obedience and God’s provision of a ram preserved the lineage and demonstrated faith’s victory over fear.
5. Attack 5: Pharaoh’s Decree – Attempt to Eliminate the Jews
In Exodus 1:15-22, Satan inspired Pharaoh to issue a decree to kill all male Hebrew infants. This genocidal act aimed to eradicate the Jewish people and prevent the fulfillment of God’s promise through Abraham’s descendants.
        •        God’s Deliverance: God raised up Moses, a Hebrew child saved from Pharaoh’s decree, to lead His people out of Egypt. This deliverance not only preserved the Jewish nation but also foreshadowed the ultimate deliverance through Christ.
        •        Key Insight: The story of Moses reminds us that even in the face of systemic evil, God’s sovereignty reigns supreme. His plans for salvation cannot be thwarted by the schemes of Satan or the powers of this world.
6. Attack 6: The Line of Judah and the Preservation of Josiah
Satan’s assault on the line of Judah, through which the eternal King was promised, intensified during the reigns of wicked kings in Israel and Judah. At one point, every male descendant of David was nearly wiped out, threatening the Messianic promise.
        •        Josiah’s Protection: In 2 Chronicles 22:10-12, a young boy named Josiah was hidden from Queen Athaliah’s murderous rampage. At just eight years old, Josiah ascended to the throne, preserving the Davidic line and demonstrating God’s meticulous providence.
        •        Prophetic Fulfillment: The preservation of Josiah and the Davidic line affirms God’s faithfulness to His covenant with David, ensuring the coming of the Messiah.
7. Attack 7: Haman’s Plot – The Jews Targeted for Annihilation
The Book of Esther recounts a diabolical plot orchestrated by Haman, a high-ranking official in Persia, to annihilate the Jewish people. This attack was a direct assault on the covenant people through whom the Messiah would come.
        •        God’s Deliverance: Through Esther’s courage and Mordecai’s wisdom, Haman’s plot was exposed, and he faced the very fate he intended for the Jews. Esther 9:1-5 celebrates God’s miraculous intervention in preserving His people.
        •        Application: The story of Esther reminds believers that God works behind the scenes to protect His purposes. It also highlights the importance of courage and faith in the face of evil.
8. Attack 8: Sennacherib’s Siege of Jerusalem
In 2 Kings 19:32-36, King Sennacherib of Assyria launched a massive assault on Jerusalem, seeking to conquer the city and destroy the Jewish people. This attack, fueled by Satan’s desire to disrupt the Messianic line, was met with divine intervention.
        •        God’s Miraculous Defense: God sent an angel who struck down 185,000 Assyrian soldiers in one night, preserving Jerusalem and its people. This miraculous event underscores God’s commitment to His covenant and His ability to deliver His people from overwhelming odds.
Key Lessons from Stage 2
        1.        God’s Sovereignty Prevails: Despite Satan’s relentless attacks, God’s plan for the Savior remains unshaken. Each attack serves to highlight His power, wisdom, and faithfulness.
        2.        The Resilience of God’s People: From Abel to Josiah, the stories of faithfulness and courage inspire believers to trust in God’s protection and guidance.
        3.        The Unstoppable Nature of Redemption: The preservation of the Messianic line reveals that no scheme of the enemy can derail God’s redemptive plan for humanity.
As we move through history, Satan’s attacks become more focused, yet God’s victories grow even more spectacular. Would you like to continue exploring Stage 3: Attack on the Person of Christ?

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