Prayers for an effective word in season to the unbeliever.
Prayer for the Right Words to SpeakFather, in Jesus’ name, give us the right words to speak to unbelievers at
Prayers for more souls to be birth into the kingdom.
Prayer for Conviction of SinFather, in Jesus’ name, we pray that Your Spirit will convict the hearts of people, leading
Prayers for open doors for ministry.
Prayer for Divine OpportunitiesFather, in Jesus’ name, we ask for divine opportunities to minister Your Word and share the Gospel.
Prayers to send forth Evangelists.
Prayer for the Call to EvangelismFather, in Jesus’ name, we pray that You call and commission evangelists to carry the
Prayers to send forth Teachers.
Prayer for the Call to Teach the WordFather, in Jesus’ name, we pray that You raise up teachers with a
Prayer to send forth Pastors.
Prayer for the Call to Pastoral MinistryFather, in Jesus’ name, we pray that You call and set apart men and
Prayer to send prophetic ministry and intercessors
Prayer for the Raising of Prophetic VoicesFather, in Jesus’ name, we pray that You raise up prophetic voices to speak
Prayer for more laborers.
Prayer for God to Raise Up LaborersFather, in Jesus’ name, we ask You to raise up laborers for Your harvest.
Prayers for the Coming of the Kingdom
Prayer for the Manifestation of God’s RuleFather, in Jesus’ name, we pray for Your kingdom to come and Your will
Prayer for the outpouring of the Spirit upon all.
Prayer for a Spirit of RevivalFather, in Jesus’ name, we pray for a fresh outpouring of Your Spirit to bring