Exploring the Gifts of Our Spiritual Position and Calling
Living Out the Fullness of Salvation
Salvation is more than a rescue mission—it’s a complete transformation. Through redemption, God has not only forgiven our sins but has also bestowed upon us a new identity and purpose. As believers, we are no longer bound by sin or defined by our past. We are part of God’s family, heirs of His promises, and co-laborers in His mission.
In this session, we’ll explore the fullness of our new identity in Christ. From being united with God to being ambassadors for His kingdom, these gifts reveal the divine calling and purpose that salvation brings to our lives.
1. Made Nigh: Heavenly Citizenship Through Reconciliation
Ephesians 2:13 declares, “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.” To be “made nigh” is to be drawn close to God, no longer distant or estranged.
This closeness is not based on our merit but on Christ’s sacrifice. Imagine being separated from a loved one by a vast ocean, then seeing a bridge built that reconnects you. This is what reconciliation does—it brings us near to God, restoring the relationship sin had broken.
As citizens of heaven (Philippians 3:20), we are no longer bound to the world’s systems. We live under God’s reign, with access to His presence and the privileges of His kingdom.
2. Delivered from the Kingdom of Satan: Liberation from Darkness
Colossians 1:13 proclaims that God “has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son.”
Salvation is a spiritual relocation—from the oppressive rule of Satan to the liberating reign of Christ. The power of darkness no longer holds authority over us. Through Christ, we are free to live in the light, empowered by His truth and Spirit.
This freedom is not just a release from oppression; it’s a call to live victoriously. The chains of fear, sin, and death are broken, and we are empowered to walk boldly in the freedom Christ has given.
3. Transferred into God’s Kingdom: A New Allegiance
Not only are we delivered from darkness, but we are also transferred into God’s kingdom. Colossians 1:13 highlights this divine relocation.
Being part of God’s kingdom means living under His rule, enjoying His protection, and participating in His mission. It’s a new allegiance—no longer to the world or its values but to God and His eternal purpose.
Picture being adopted into a royal family. You are no longer a stranger; you are a son or daughter of the King, with all the rights and privileges that come with it.
4. On a Secure Foundation: Building on Christ
1 Corinthians 3:11 declares, “For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” Our salvation is built on the unshakable foundation of Christ Himself.
This foundation provides stability and security. No storm of life can erode it, and no force of darkness can overcome it. As believers, we can confidently build our lives on this foundation, knowing it will endure for eternity.
Imagine constructing a house on solid rock versus shifting sand. Christ is that rock—steady, unchanging, and immovable.
5. A Gift from God the Father to Christ: Treasured by God
John 10:29 and John 17:2, 6 reveal a beautiful truth: we are a gift from the Father to the Son.
Think about the depth of this reality. You are not just saved; you are treasured by God. You are part of the love shared within the Trinity—a reflection of God’s eternal plan to glorify His Son through a redeemed people.
This truth reminds us of our worth in God’s eyes. We are not an afterthought or an accident; we are a cherished possession, chosen and loved by Him.
6. Delivered from the Power of the Sin Nature: Victory Through Christ
Romans 6:6 declares, “We know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with.”
Through salvation, the power of the sin nature is broken. We are no longer slaves to sin but empowered to live in righteousness. This doesn’t mean we are sinless, but it does mean we are no longer dominated by sin.
Imagine being released from a prison cell. Though the temptations of sin may still call out, you are no longer captive to its control. In Christ, you are free to choose righteousness.
7. Appointed Priests Unto God: A Holy Calling
As believers, we are called to a priestly role. 1 Peter 2:5 describes us as a “holy priesthood,” and 1 Peter 2:9 adds that we are a “royal priesthood.”
This priesthood involves two key aspects:
a) Mediators Between God and Others: As priests, we represent God to the world, interceding on behalf of others and sharing the gospel.
b) Offering Spiritual Sacrifices: We are called to offer our lives as living sacrifices, serving God with our time, talents, and resources.
This calling is not reserved for a select few; it is the privilege of every believer.
8. Given Access to God: Boldly Approaching the Throne
Through Christ, we have direct access to God. Ephesians 2:18 proclaims, “For through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father.”
This access is a privilege beyond comprehension. It means we can approach God at any time, with any need, and know that He hears us.
Imagine having unrestricted access to the most powerful person in the universe. That’s what we have in Christ—a direct line to the Creator of heaven and earth.
9. Objects of God’s Love, Grace, and Faithfulness
a) Objects of His Love: Ephesians 2:4 reminds us of God’s “great love with which he loved us.” This love is unconditional and unchanging, grounded in His nature, not our performance.
b) Objects of His Grace: Ephesians 2:8-9 declares that salvation is by grace, not works. Grace is God’s unmerited favor, lavished on us in abundance.
c) Objects of His Faithfulness: Philippians 1:6 assures us that God, who began a good work in us, will bring it to completion.
These truths remind us of God’s unwavering commitment to us. We are not just saved; we are loved, graced, and kept by a faithful God.
10. Glorified: Transformed into Christ’s Likeness
Salvation doesn’t just address our past or present—it secures our future. Romans 8:30 declares, “Those whom he justified, he also glorified.”
Glorification is the final stage of salvation, where we are fully transformed into the likeness of Christ. This is not just a hope—it’s a guarantee. One day, we will stand before God, free from sin and clothed in His glory.
Imagine a masterpiece being unveiled. That’s what glorification is—the full display of God’s redemptive work in your life.
11. Complete in Him: Wholeness in Christ
Colossians 2:10 proclaims that we are “complete in Him.” This means that in Christ, we lack nothing. Our identity, purpose, and worth are found in Him.
This completeness doesn’t mean life is without challenges, but it does mean we have everything we need to face them. Christ is our sufficiency, our strength, and our source of hope.
12. Possessors of Every Spiritual Blessing
Ephesians 1:3 declares that God “has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.” These blessings include redemption, adoption, forgiveness, and eternal life.
Imagine inheriting a vast treasure. That’s what we have in Christ—an inheritance of blessings that enrich every aspect of our lives.
 Living Out Our New Identity
Our new identity in Christ is a gift beyond measure. We are not only forgiven and redeemed but also transformed, empowered, and called for a divine purpose. Each of these gifts reflects the depth of God’s love and the richness of His grace.
As we live out this new identity, let us walk in the freedom, confidence, and purpose that comes from knowing who we are in Christ. We are His children, His ambassadors, and His treasured possession. Let this truth shape every thought, decision, and action as we embrace the fullness of our salvation.

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