Part 2: The Names of God in the Old Testament – A Portrait of His Character

Part 2: The Names of God in the Old Testament – A Portrait of His Character
The Old Testament names of God reveal His character, His power, and His relationship with His people. Each name is a testament to His faithfulness, His majesty, and His unchanging nature.
1. EL – The Strong One
The name “El” emphasizes God’s strength and might. In 2 Samuel 22:33, He is described as a rock—a refuge and fortress for His people. This name reminds us that God is unshakable and dependable, a source of strength in times of trouble.
When life feels overwhelming, we can turn to El, the Strong One, who is able to sustain us. His strength is not just for the grand moments of life but for the everyday challenges we face.
2. EL ELYON – The Most High God
“El Elyon” declares God’s supremacy. In Genesis 14:18-22, Melchizedek calls Him the Most High God, acknowledging His unmatched authority. This name reminds us that no earthly power can compare to Him. He is above all, and His plans cannot be thwarted.
To know El Elyon is to rest in His sovereignty, trusting that He is in control even when the world feels chaotic.
3. EL OLAM – The Everlasting God
“El Olam” speaks of God’s eternal nature. In Genesis 21:33, Abraham calls on the Everlasting God, recognizing His timeless existence. This name assures us that God’s promises are not temporary; they are rooted in eternity.
When we feel the weight of life’s uncertainties, we can anchor ourselves in El Olam, the God who transcends time and remains faithful forever.
4. JEHOVAH – The Self-Existent One
When God revealed Himself to Moses at the burning bush, He declared, “I AM WHO I AM” (Exodus 3:14). This name, often rendered as “Jehovah” or “Yahweh,” signifies His self-existence and unchanging nature.
Jehovah is the God who was, who is, and who will be. He is not dependent on anything or anyone. This truth reminds us that we can trust Him completely, for He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
5. JEHOVAH-JIREH – The Lord Will Provide
In Genesis 22:13-14, God provides a ram in place of Isaac, revealing Himself as “Jehovah-Jireh.” This name is a powerful reminder of God’s provision.
When we face scarcity or fear, Jehovah-Jireh assures us that He sees our needs and will provide in His perfect timing. He is a God who meets us where we are and supplies what we lack.

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