Stage 4: Attacks Since the Cross

Stage 4: Attacks Since the Cross
The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ marked the ultimate defeat of Satan, yet the enemy’s work continues in this present age. Since the cross, Satan has shifted his strategies to undermine God’s kingdom and disrupt the faith of believers. These attacks manifest in various forms—against Scripture, the Jewish people, political systems, and the Church. This stage of spiritual warfare emphasizes the ongoing need for vigilance, discernment, and reliance on the power of God to overcome the adversary’s schemes.
1. Attack 1: Against Scripture
Since the dawn of human history, the Word of God has been a primary target of Satan’s attacks. In the aftermath of Christ’s victory on the cross, the enemy’s focus intensified on discrediting, distorting, and diluting the authority of Scripture.
        •        Sowing Doubt and Skepticism:
The serpent’s question in the Garden of Eden, “Did God really say?” (Genesis 3:1), set the tone for Satan’s strategy against Scripture. Today, the adversary employs skepticism to challenge the Bible’s divine inspiration, reliability, and relevance. Higher criticism, secular ideologies, and cultural relativism aim to erode confidence in the inerrancy of God’s Word.
        •        False Doctrines and Heresies:
Throughout history, Satan has inspired false doctrines that distort biblical truth. From Gnosticism in the early Church to modern prosperity theology, these heresies divert believers from the gospel’s core message, replacing truth with human-centered philosophies.
        •        Cultural Shifts:
The adversary leverages societal trends to challenge biblical morality. Issues such as the redefinition of marriage, the sanctity of life, and gender identity are framed to contradict Scripture, creating a culture of confusion and compromise.
        •        Call to Action:
Believers are urged to remain grounded in the Word of God. Ephesians 6:17 refers to Scripture as the “sword of the Spirit,” a vital weapon in spiritual warfare. Regular study, meditation, and application of God’s Word empower believers to discern truth and resist deception.
2. Attack 2: Revival of the Roman Empire
The prophetic books of Daniel and Revelation allude to the revival of a powerful and authoritarian empire in the last days. Satan’s strategy includes manipulating geopolitical events to establish a world order that opposes God’s purposes.
        •        Biblical Prophecy:
Daniel 2:40-44 and Revelation 17 describe a fourth kingdom, often interpreted as the Roman Empire, which will reemerge in the end times. This revived empire is associated with the rise of the Antichrist and a global system of control.
        •        Signs of Revival:
Efforts toward political unification, economic globalization, and regional alliances may align with the prophetic vision of a centralized power. While not every development is inherently sinister, the spiritual implications warrant careful observation.
        •        Discernment in Interpretation:
Believers must interpret current events through a biblical lens, avoiding sensationalism while remaining aware of the enemy’s strategies. Prayerful discernment and reliance on the Holy Spirit are essential to navigate these developments.
3. Attack 3: Massacre of Jews
Satan’s hatred for God’s chosen people, the Jews, is evident throughout history. This animosity stems from their role in God’s redemptive plan, culminating in the Messiah’s arrival through their lineage.
        •        Historical Persecution:
From the Holocaust to ongoing antisemitism, the Jewish people have faced relentless persecution. These attacks align with Satan’s efforts to thwart God’s promises of preservation and restoration for Israel (Genesis 12:3; Romans 11:26).
        •        Spiritual Warfare Against Israel:
The Bible emphasizes the significance of Israel in God’s plan for the end times. Zechariah 12:3 prophesies that all nations will gather against Jerusalem, yet God will defend His people and fulfill His covenant.
        •        Intercessory Role of Believers:
Christians are called to stand in solidarity with the Jewish people, praying for their protection and salvation. Recognizing the spiritual significance of Israel fosters an understanding of the broader cosmic battle at play.
4. Attack 4: One-World Government
The pursuit of a centralized global authority aligns with Satan’s desire for ultimate control and rebellion against God’s order. The Bible warns of a one-world government led by the Antichrist in the end times.
        •        Prophetic Context:
Revelation 13 describes a beast rising from the sea, symbolizing a political system that unites nations under the Antichrist’s rule. This one-world government will demand allegiance, marked by economic and religious conformity.
        •        Modern Implications:
Global organizations, technological advancements, and international treaties can serve as tools to pave the way for such a system. While collaboration among nations has benefits, believers must remain vigilant to discern the spiritual undercurrents.
        •        Faithful Resistance:
Revelation 14:12 encourages saints to persevere, keeping God’s commands and maintaining their faith in Jesus. The call is to resist conformity to systems that oppose God’s will, standing firm in allegiance to His kingdom.
5. Attack 5: Socialism and Ideological Shifts
The rise of socialism as a political and economic ideology reflects another dimension of Satan’s attack, influencing societal values and governance.
        •        Biblical View of Stewardship:
The Bible affirms principles of stewardship, personal responsibility, and generosity. Extreme forms of socialism that promote centralized power and undermine individual freedoms conflict with these biblical values.
        •        Moral Degradation:
Systems that prioritize state authority over divine authority often lead to moral decline. When governments seek to replace God as the ultimate provider, they align with Satan’s strategy of shifting dependence away from the Creator.
        •        Engagement and Advocacy:
Believers are encouraged to engage in political discourse with wisdom and grace, advocating for policies that reflect biblical principles. Prayer for leaders and participation in civic responsibilities are vital aspects of this engagement.
6. Attack 6: Persecution of Believers
Persecution remains one of Satan’s most effective tools to intimidate and silence the Church. From the early days of Christianity to modern times, believers have faced opposition for their faith.
        •        Historical Context:
The book of Acts chronicles the persecution of the early Church, from Stephen’s martyrdom (Acts 7) to Paul’s imprisonment. These trials strengthened the resolve of believers and spread the gospel.
        •        Contemporary Reality:
Today, Christians in many parts of the world face imprisonment, discrimination, and martyrdom for their faith. Persecution often arises from governments, ideologies, or social movements opposed to Christian values.
        •        Encouragement to Endure:
Jesus warned His followers of persecution, saying, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). The promise of His presence and the hope of eternal reward sustain believers in the face of trials.
Key Takeaways from Stage 4
        1.        The Authority of God’s Word: The attacks on Scripture highlight the importance of knowing and standing firm in the truth of God’s Word.
        2.        The Role of Prophecy: Understanding biblical prophecy equips believers to discern Satan’s strategies and remain steadfast in faith.
        3.        The Perseverance of the Saints: Persecution and opposition are part of the Christian journey, yet they also provide opportunities to glorify God and witness His faithfulness.
        4.        The Sovereignty of God: Despite Satan’s efforts, God’s redemptive plan continues to unfold, offering assurance that His purposes will ultimately prevail.
This stage of Satan’s attacks reminds us of the ongoing spiritual battle but also of the victory secured through Christ. Believers are called to stand firm, rooted in Scripture, and steadfast in faith, knowing that “greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4).

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