When Nehemiah heard about the ruins
Nehemiah 1:3 (HCSB)
3 They said to me, “The remnant in the province, who survived the exile, are in great trouble and disgrace. Jerusalem’s wall has been broken down, and its gates have been burned down.”
The walls:
• The Walls and Their Significance:
• Represent more than physical protection.
• Symbolize the identity and strength of the city.
• Ancient Context:
• In the ancient world, walls reflected security and strength.
• A city without walls was vulnerable to external threats.
• Spiritual Implications:
• Broken walls symbolized more than structural issues.
• They represented the spiritual vulnerability of God’s people.
• Significance of the Gate Ministry:
• Gates represented more than entry points; they symbolized spiritual authority, legal transactions, and protection.
• In biblical times, gates were places of authority, as seen in:
• Ruth 4:1 “Boaz went to the gate of the town and sat down there. Soon the family redeemer Boaz had spoken about came by. Boaz called him by name and said, “Come over here and sit down.” So he went over and sat down. (legal transactions).
• Proverbs 31:23 “Her husband is known at the city gates, where he sits among the elders of the land. (community decisions).
Where there is a physical devastation there is also a spiritual devastation and where there is spiritual devastation there is also physical devastation. They both are so intertwined to each other that we cannot separate them.
Walls in the Bible represent Salvation.
“Isaiah 60:18 captures this idea by describing the walls of God’s people as “salvation”: “Violence shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders; but thou shalt call thy walls Salvation, and thy gates Praise.” The broken walls of Jerusalem indicated that God’s people were not living in the fullness of His protection and provision.”
Now we understand how serious this verse is?
“Nehemiah 1:3 (HCSB) Jerusalem’s wall has been broken down, and its gates have been burned down” these words were not something normal but a very serious words
We have to remember this one very important thing that “Gods building of His house and kingdom together”
To answer the divine call one must return to God through repentance and prayer.”
God excites big things by using small people
“In the same way, God often places His people in specific roles and positions that seem ordinary but are, in fact, strategically aligned with His greater plan.”
“Throughout Scripture, we see that God often responds to the problems of His people by raising up individuals who are willing to partner with Him.
When God”
“wanted to create a family, He called Adam and Eve.
When humanity strayed, He called Abraham to lead them back.
When God sought to bring His people into a covenant relationship, He raised up Moses.
God’s response to the needs of His people is consistently through the appointment of leaders who can act as His representatives, empowered to carry out His divine purposes.”
Prophetic word: (while I was praying and preparing this message God gave me this prophetic word for you all)
“God prepares His leaders by positioning them exactly where they need to be to fulfill His purposes.”
So God placed you where you need to be. At the right church, under right leadership, the only thing you have to do is have faith and submit to what is God doing in your life. If God has placed you in this church then you have to build and rebuild the walls and the gates of this church till God sends you to another.
Everything will be alright Mentality.
We cannot live in “everything will be alright” mentality. If anyone who has this mentality they cannot become a leader.
What did Nehemiah do?
He never said that “everything will be alright one day” remember he was a cupbearer, a very ordinary man, but he positioned himself.
How did Nehemiah Position Himself?
Nehemiah 1:4 (HCSB)
4 When I heard these words, I sat down and wept. I mourned for a number of days, fasting and praying before the God of heaven.
(1) Prayer of Solidification:
Nehemiah’s response to the news of Jerusalem’s brokenness was to pray, but his prayer was not a quick, superficial petition. Instead, it was a prolonged period of fasting, mourning, and seeking God’s face. Nehemiah 1:4 tells us that Nehemiah “wept and mourned for days” and “fasted and prayed before the God of heaven.”
What did this extended time of prayer do?
“This extended time of prayer was crucial in aligning Nehemiah’s heart and mind with God’s purposes.”
The Words that Jerusalem walls had been burned down:
We need to understand one important thing here: Nehemiah was not concerned, but he was burdened.
The Difference Between Concern and Burden:
Concern: A matter of worry or interest.
Burden: A heavy responsibility.